Chinese Digital Marketing
Auckland Based Chinese Digital Marketing Agency
Attract, convert and retain clients with Chinese websites, digital marketing & payment methods
Our Chinese digital marketing team support New Zealand businesses looking to attract the Chinese audience in New Zealand, Australia and China.
While Chinese community in New Zealand and Australia will mostly search online on Google and use Facebook, Instagram, WhatApp, etc.; they can also prefer websites with Chinese language content and use Chinese social media channels such as WeChat and Weibo. Further Australia has over 1.4 million and New Zealand 450,000 Chinese tourists visiting every year. These tourists typically search on China’s largest search engine Baidu and also rely on Chinese social media channels for recommendations. It is thus highly beneficial to have a website in Mandarin (not just the auto translated one) to be found easier by Chinese who prefer to review websites in Mandarin.
If you are a legally registered business in China, it is possible to obtain a .cn domain and have the website hosted in mainland China. Otherwise, an alternative is to have it hosted in Hong Kong which we can help you with.
The Chinese digital marketing services we offer include:
- Custom developed Mandarin copy written WordPress websites. There are some differences in the look and feel of Chinese websites, which is worthwhile considering and including in a redesign.
- Copywriting and translation services. While auto translate option is available on WordPress to translate into Chinese from English, we recommend that businesses use our native Mandarin speaking team to have content translated and written in Mandarin. We can translate any other marketing material including restaurant menus into Mandarin. We can also support with subtitling your video in Mandarin.
- Baidu SEO. Improve your search ranking on Baidu with our SEO services specifically focused on this search engine. We recommend that the website have content in a Chinese language and be hosted in China or Hong Kong.
- WeChat Marketing. WeChat is the most popular social media channel among the Chinese. We can support you with WeChat official account set up and thereafter post content in Mandarin.
- Weibo Marketing. We can set up a regular company account with Weibo and post content in Mandarin.
- TikTok Marketing. Effective for marketing to the younger demographic with creative short videos. Considered a platform where you show your real side, you could issue a #challenge to your followers. We can consult you on video creation and with content for organic marketing.
- Adopt Chinese-preferred payment methods. We can set up WeChat Pay and AliPay for you. These are the preferred payment method with many Chinese tourists and can attract them to your business.
在新西兰和澳洲的华人社区上网主要会用到Facebook,Instgram 和WhatsApp;但他们同时也更倾向于使用带有中文和中国本土的社交软件比如微信和微博。每年在澳洲和新西兰分别有超过140万和45完的中国游客到访。这些游客主要都会用到中国的搜索引擎-百度而且也更依赖使用中国的社交软件平台作为推荐。因此,如果带有中文界面的网站也更容易被中国顾客看见,因为他们更喜欢浏览带有中文的网站。
- 定制开发中文版本的Wordpress网站。因为中文版本的网站形式和设计都会有些不同,所以需要考虑是否需要重新设计网站。
- 编撰和翻译服务。 虽然在wordpress上面会有英文自动转中文的服务内容,但是推荐使用我们的本土中文团队来进行翻译和编撰。我们也可以翻译其他的营销材料包括餐厅菜单翻译成中文。我们也提供添加视频中文字幕的服务
- 百度的搜索引擎优化。我们的搜索引擎优化团队会帮助提高您在百度上面的搜索排名。我们建议网站有中文的内容并且虚拟主机在中国大陆或者香港。
- 微信市场推广。微信是中国最受欢迎的社交软件。我们可以帮助您建立微信的公众账号而去同时上传公众号文章
- 微博市场推广。我们可以帮助您建立微博的公司账号以及上传微博博文。
- 抖音市场推广。抖音是在中国年轻人当中很受欢迎的创意段视频软件。您可以向粉丝发起一个挑战内容,这样也可以展现最真实的一面。我们可以提供短视频创意和内容咨询服务。
- 提供中国人更喜欢的支付方式。我们可以为您建立微信支付和支付宝服务。中国游客更喜欢使用手机线上支付因此也可以让您的网站更有吸引力。