Your website is your online presence. The first impression your website makes on a visitor is important. It is likely that your website is not working as well as it used to, looking dated or you feel there is scope for improved business from your website.
Here are few reasons why you should consider a new website or a redesign:
Website purpose
It is key to be definite about what you want your website to do for you. Is it for lead generation or an information site? Is it to develop credibility or purely for e-commerce. If your site does not achieve your primary purpose, it’s time for a change.
With mobile search on the increase and Google mobile-friendly update of April 2015, it is a must to have a responsive website from a user-experience and search ranking perspective. Google has stated: ‘As the next step in our ongoing efforts to help users find more mobile-friendly content, beginning in May, we’ll start rolling out an update to our algorithm that increases the effect of the ranking signal.”
Your website design maybe old and outdated and you know it. A business rebrand is a great time for a new design. Possibly you had used a free template or a hosted solution with limited functionality and customisation. If the few dollars you saved on the website has cost your business in the long run, a new website is possibly overdue.
The bottomline: If you are not proud about your website or it is not serving its purpose, it’s time to make that call.